torsdag 25. mars 2010

I've always wanted to become an Air traffic Controller!
The task of ensuring safe operations of airplanes and private aircraft falls on air traffic controllers every day. They must coordinate the movements of thousands of aircraft, keep them at ­safe distances from each other to revent them from crashing.
This could be rather interesting :D

onsdag 10. mars 2010

Discussing films

One film that starts with a sort of highlight on the beginning and contains atleast one crisis around the middle, followed by a "good" highlight that turns the course of the movie can be Avatar. This film starts off with this guy called Jake Sully that's the main character in the movie. On the begginging, he gets a god hope about getting some new legs so that he can walk again.

The "crisis" comes (as expected) in the middle of the film were the human starts to clear the woods for trees so that they can drain the soil for those expencive minerald inder the forest. The main character, Jake Sully, tries to stop them, but sort of fails, because the genral finds out that he did it.

(continues in the nest blog post)